For all supported cryptocurrencies, APIs are available for Mainnet, Testnet, and the Tor network. Created addresses in the same network can be used for all supported cryptocurrencies in this network (ex. ETH and USDT-ERC20, USDC-ERC20). For testnet networks available coins faucet and explorers. For Ethereum testnet please use Sepolia Network.
Mainnet URL:{currency}/v1/For API, restrictions of requests by IP addresses apply. Standard limit 60 requests within 5 seconds for a single IP address. If you need more requests, then you need to purchase an API token. For questions about obtaining a token API, contact If the limit is exceeded, a page with the status 429 to many requests is given in response to the request. If an error is received, you should wait for the time limit to be restored, otherwise the IP address will be blocked for 3 minutes. The current status of the limits can be found in the response headers Ratelimit-Remaining and Ratelimit-Reset .
The service charge a fixed commission from each payment processed. The miners commission paid when sending the payment is included in the service fee.
Currency | Service fee | Min. TX Value |
Bitcoin | 0.0002 BTC | > 0.00000546 BTC + Service fee |
Ethereum | 0.002 ETH | > 0.001 ETH + Service fee |
Litecoin | 0.0004 LTC | > 0.00000546 LTC + Service fee |
USDT-ERC20 | 10 USDT | > 1 USDT + Service fee |
USDC-ERC20 | 10 USDC | > 1 USDC + Service fee |
Created addresses for forwarding have no limit on the number of processed payments, as well as no limit on time of action. In blockchains with the UTXO architecture (btc, ltc), the transaction hash and the out number in the transaction are considered as a unique payment identifier. For blockchains with Account based (eth) architecture, a unique payment identifier is considered a transaction hash. When transferring payments for the same address, payout can be consolidated into one transaction but notifications will be received separately for each payment. The payment transaction is a pair of transaction hash + out number (for eth only hash). For each generated address, it is possible to query the current status and statistics, as well as a list of all transactions received by the address. Access to statistics is divided into public and private. Access to the private part of the information is provided through authorization using the request header Payment code or Access-Token for domain of the callback link. For callback link domain, the general statistics is accumulated. Domain statistics are accessed via Access-Token .
To create a payment address, you must: specify the address for payment forwarding, a link to the payment notification (optional) and the number of confirmations required for accept the payment and notifications (optional, the default value is set if not specified). Information about the new payments and payment state will be sent to the specified notification link. For Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin, the response to the request also contains the address in the legacy format (the outdated address format). Both address formats can be used to receive payments and are correctly processed by service.
Request status and statistics of the payment address. The request without authorization returns only public information, full information is available with request header Payment-Code or Access-Token.
Request list of payment address transactions. The request without authorization returns only public information, full information is available with request header Payment-Code or Access-Token.
Description of the payment notification handler with the description of the incoming POST parameters. Payment notifications are received when the following events occur.:
For example, if a payment address is created with 2 confirmations, it will receive the following notifications: unconfirmed, pending [1/2], confirmed, payout sent, payout confirmed. Event notifications payout sent,payout confirmed, may come before the event confirmed, in these notifications field confirmations should be ignored.
The logic for processing payment notifications should be as follows. Each payment address corresponds to a confirmed and unconfirmed balance. N - the number of required confirmations.
Processing incoming notifications:
Payment notifications have logic to protect against failure. As a confirmation that the notification has been received, the service expects to receive a response in the form of a code invoice code in response body for each http request.
In case no correct answer, notifications will be repeated with each new block within 24 hours. IP addresses from which notifications are sent are available via dns request to the domain name If the answer is not successful, repeated attempts are made from different IP addresses. To stop sending notifications, notification handler should reply with correct response to any notification with the number of payment confirmations greater than or equal to the specified value when generating a payment address.
TorTor notifications supported
When sending a notification of a new payment or a change in the status of a payment, the response received is logged. The log contains the IP address from which the notification was made, the HTTP response status and 256 characters of the received response body. To access the logs, authorization is required by request header Payment Code or Access-Token.
Callback log for payment address. Authorization required by request headers Payment-Code or Access-Token.
Callback logs for payment transaction hash. Authorization required by request headers Payment-Code or Access-Token.
To access the statistics on payments and addresses created for the domain, you need to create an access token. To create a token, you must authorize the request using the callback link. The first step is the generation of an authorization code for the specified link.
To get access token, you need to add the output of the authorization code as plain / text when you receive a GET request through callback link.